Tuesday, November 19

8:00am MST

Tuesday November 19, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am MST
Tuesday November 19, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am MST
Memorial Union, Outside Pima Room

9:00am MST

Pavement Preservation Sessions
Tuesday November 19, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm MST
Moderators: Luis Figueroa / Jeff Smith
avatar for Jeff Smith

Jeff Smith

Business Development, Cactus Asphalt
Jeff Smith has been an industry professional in Arizona since 1976 working with numerous contracting companies, many associated with Asphalt Rubber and other rubber modified binder materials.  Jeff has been involved with sales, marketing, binder formulation, pavement preservation... Read More →
Tuesday November 19, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm MST

12:00pm MST

Tuesday November 19, 2024 12:00pm - 2:00pm MST
Tuesday November 19, 2024 12:00pm - 2:00pm MST
Engrained Cafe

2:00pm MST

WORKSHOP: What does it take to build long time pavement: durability, efficiency and sustainability
Tuesday November 19, 2024 2:00pm - 5:00pm MST
Speaker: Tim Murphy

avatar for Tim Murphy

Tim Murphy

Asphalt Scientist, Murphy Pavement Technology
Tuesday November 19, 2024 2:00pm - 5:00pm MST

5:30pm MST

Tuesday November 19, 2024 5:30pm - 7:30pm MST
Tuesday November 19, 2024 5:30pm - 7:30pm MST
Wednesday, November 20

8:00am MST

Exhibits Open - Continental Breakfast
Wednesday November 20, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am MST
Wednesday November 20, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am MST
Arizona Ballroom 221

8:00am MST

Wednesday November 20, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am MST
Wednesday November 20, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am MST
Arizona Ballroom 221

9:00am MST

Wednesday November 20, 2024 9:00am - 11:30am MST
9:00-9:20am: ASU Welcome Address
9:30-10:00am: Federal Highway Administration
Hari Kalla (Associate Administrator for Infrastructure)
10:00-10:30am: ADOT Overview
Steve Boschen, Infrastructure Delivery and Operations, Division Director, ADOT
10:30-11:00am: McDOT Overview
Jesse Gutierrez, Director
11:00-11:30am: Arizona Transportation Institute (AzTI) Update
Yao-Jan Wu, University of Arizona
avatar for Steve Boschen

Steve Boschen

Division Director - IDO, ADOT
Steve BoschenInfrastructure Delivery and Operations, DirectorSteve Boschen currently serves as the division director for Infrastructure Delivery andOperations, which oversees all statewide project delivery including ADOT and Local PublicAgency projects, and statewide operations and... Read More →
avatar for Jesse Gutierrez

Jesse Gutierrez

Director of Transportation, Maricopa County
avatar for Yao-Jan Wu

Yao-Jan Wu

Professor of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Mechanics, University of Arizona
avatar for Hari Kalla

Hari Kalla

Associate Administrator for Infrastructure at Federal Highway Administration, Federal Highway Administration
In July 2019, Hari Kalla was selected for SES position of Associate Administrator for Infrastructure with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).  As the Associate Administrator for Infrastructure, Hari serves as a member of FHWA's leadership team and participates in developing... Read More →
Wednesday November 20, 2024 9:00am - 11:30am MST
Ventana Ballroom 241

11:30am MST

Networking Break
Wednesday November 20, 2024 11:30am - 12:00pm MST
Wednesday November 20, 2024 11:30am - 12:00pm MST
Arizona Ballroom 221

12:30pm MST

Wednesday November 20, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm MST
avatar for James Mack

James Mack

Director, Market Development at CEMEX, CEMEX
Wednesday November 20, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm MST
Arizona Ballroom 221

1:30pm MST

SESSION 1: Carbon-Friendly Technologies
Wednesday November 20, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm MST
Moderator: Todd Gonser    
Lower GHG and EPD Effective Pavement Treatments, Arizona Applications: Chris Evers, Pavement Technology Inc
Portland-Limestone Cement (PLC): Greg Halsted, National Ready-Mixed Concrete Association
Carbon Reduction in Cement and Concrete: Narayanan Neithalath, ASU
avatar for Todd Gonser

Todd Gonser

Western Regional Manager, Cutler Repaving, Inc
avatar for Chris Evers

Chris Evers

Technical Representative at Pavement Technology, Pavement Technology Inc.
avatar for Greg Halsted

Greg Halsted

P.E.. Senior Director, The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
avatar for Narayanan Neithalath

Narayanan Neithalath

Professor, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State University
Narayanan Neithalath is the Fulton Professor of Structural Materials in the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment at Arizona State University, USA. He obtained his PhD from Purdue University in 2004 in the area of infrastructural materials.  He has extensively... Read More →
Wednesday November 20, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm MST
Ventana Ballroom 241

1:30pm MST

SESSION 2: Considering Resiliency in Pavement Systems
Wednesday November 20, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm MST
Moderator: Angeli Jayme, Arizona State University, Assistant Professor
Impact of Climate Change on Pavement Structural Performance: Shane Underwood, North Carolina State University
Wildfire Damage: Jeff Stempihar, NCE
Assessing Vulnerability of Arizona Roadways to Wildfire and Post-Fire Debris Flow: Nora Hennessy, ASU
avatar for Angeli Jayme

Angeli Jayme

Assistant Professor, Arizona State University
avatar for Shane Underwood

Shane Underwood

Professor at North Carolina State University, North Carolina State University
avatar for Jeff Stempihar

Jeff Stempihar

Associate, NCE | Engineering & Environmental Services
Jeff has 20 years of engineering and applied research experience in highway and airfield pavements. His focus includes pavement evaluation and design, material selection, use of recycled materials, forensic analysis, and developing best-practice guidance. He has worked on numerous... Read More →

Nora Hennessy

Postdoctoral Scholar at ASU School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State Univercity
Wednesday November 20, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm MST
Ventana Ballroom 241

3:00pm MST

Networking Break
Wednesday November 20, 2024 3:00pm - 3:30pm MST
Wednesday November 20, 2024 3:00pm - 3:30pm MST
Arizona Ballroom 221

3:30pm MST

Panel Discussion
Wednesday November 20, 2024 3:30pm - 5:00pm MST
Moderator: Bob McGennis  
Tom Bennert (Rutgers University)
Derek Nener-Plante (FHWA).
Amy Epps (Texas A&M)
avatar for Robert McGennis

Robert McGennis

HF Sinclair
Bob McGennis is the Asphalt Technical Manager for the HF Sinclair Corporation, a position he has held since 1998. He has management authority over quality control, PG binder and asphalt emulsion formulations, raw materials, and technology for the HF Sinclair asphalt group. Bob has... Read More →
avatar for Tom Bennert

Tom Bennert

Research Professor, Rutgers University Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT)
Dr. Thomas Bennert is a Research Professor at the Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation at Rutgers University. Tom’s research focuses on asphalt mixture and binder performance, performance-based asphalt mixture design, pavement design/rehabilitation, asphalt pavement... Read More →
avatar for Derek Nener-Plante

Derek Nener-Plante

Pavement and Materials Engineer, Federal Highway Administration
Derek Nener-Plante is a Pavement and Materials Engineer for the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Pavement and Materials (P&M) Team. He is responsible for leading implementation and deployment efforts in the areas of asphalt materials, asphalt pavement construction, materials... Read More →
avatar for Amy Epps-Martin

Amy Epps-Martin

Professor, Texas A&M University
Dr. Amy Epps Martin has more than 27 years of experience teaching civil engineering materials courses and conducting research on safe, sustainable asphalt technologies at Texas A&M University and the Texas A&M Transportation Institute where she is the A.P. & Florence Wiley Professor... Read More →
Wednesday November 20, 2024 3:30pm - 5:00pm MST
Ventana Ballroom 241

5:00pm MST

Wednesday November 20, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm MST
Door Prizes, Refreshments, Complimentary Bar
All conference attendees are invited to attend.
Wednesday November 20, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm MST
Turquoise Ballroom 220
Thursday, November 21

7:00am MST

Exhibits Open - Continental Breakfast
Thursday November 21, 2024 7:00am - 8:00am MST
Thursday November 21, 2024 7:00am - 8:00am MST
Arizona Ballroom 221

7:00am MST

Thursday November 21, 2024 7:00am - 8:00am MST
Thursday November 21, 2024 7:00am - 8:00am MST
Arizona Ballroom 221

8:00am MST

Update on Pavement Innovations in Arizona
Thursday November 21, 2024 8:00am - 10:00am MST
Moderator: Nye McCarty  
Impacts of a FHWA Mobile Asphalt Technology Center Visit:
Spotlight on Arizona DOT

Leslie Ann Myers, FHWA

Arizona’s Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA)
Paul Sharma, ADOT

Friction Performance of ADOT Surface Mixtures
Kevin Robertson, ADOT

Highly Modified Asphalts / Emulsions
Mo Rahman, Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc.

Moderators Speakers
avatar for Mo Rahman

Mo Rahman

Technical Marketing Manager, Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc.
Mo Rahman has 29 years of experience in asphalt materials industry since his undergraduate degree in 1995. He has specialized in asphalt construction materials, production / operations, evaluation / testing, quality control / quality assurance and managing QC lab. He is knowledgeable... Read More →
avatar for Kevin Robertson

Kevin Robertson

Surface Treatment Engineer, Arizona Department of Transportation
evin has been a roadway engineer for more than 28 years in Arizona with the last 11 years being at the Arizona Department of Transportation.  He is the Pavement Management Surface Treatment Engineer as part of Asset Management within the Multimodal Planning Division (MPD) at ADOT... Read More →
avatar for Leslie Ann Myers

Leslie Ann Myers

Program Manager, Senior Engineer at Federal Highway Administration, Federal Highway Administration

Paul Sharma

Arizona Department of Transportation
Thursday November 21, 2024 8:00am - 10:00am MST
Ventana Ballroom 241

10:00am MST

Networking Break
Thursday November 21, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am MST
Thursday November 21, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am MST
Arizona Ballroom 221

10:30am MST

SESSION 3: Every Day Counts (EDC) 7
Thursday November 21, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm MST
10:30-10:50 am              Arizona Council for Transportation Innovation Update, Paki Rico, FHWA
10:50-11:25 am              Enhancing Performance with Internally Cured Concrete,  Tim Barrett, FHWA"
11:25-12:00pm               Green Public Procurement, Environment and product quality perspectives, LaToya Johnson, FHWA
Moderators Speakers
avatar for Paki Rico

Paki Rico

U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration
avatar for Tim Barrett

Tim Barrett

Research Civil Engineer at Federal Highway Administration, Federal Highway Administration

LaToya Johnson

Team Leader, Federal Highway Administration
Thursday November 21, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm MST
Ventana Ballroom 241

10:30am MST

SESSION 4: Geotechnical Matters
Thursday November 21, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm MST
Moderator: Claudia Zapata

Performance Evaluation of Highway Embankment and Slopes using Geophysical Testing and Field Instrumentation
Sadik Khan, Jackson State University

Lori Greco and Matt Manthey, City of Mesa

Flooded Roads: Pavement Response and Load Restriction
Majid Ghayoomi, University of New Hampshire
avatar for Claudia Zapata

Claudia Zapata

Professor, Arizona State University
avatar for Sadik Khan

Sadik Khan

Associate Professor at Jackson State University, Jackson State University
avatar for Majid Ghayoomi

Majid Ghayoomi

Professor at University of New Hampshire, University of New Hampshire
avatar for Matt Manthey

Matt Manthey

Pavement Management Supervisor, City of Mesa - Transportation
Matt Manthey is the Pavement Management Supervisor for the City of Mesa. Mr. Manthey has been with The City of Mesa for over 13 years, prior to this Mr. Manthey worked in the construction materials testing and inspection field for 15 years, most recently with AMEC Earth & Environmental... Read More →

Lori Greco

City of Mesa
Thursday November 21, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm MST
Turquoise Ballroom 220

12:00pm MST

Thursday November 21, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm MST
(Sponsors/Exhibitors Awards Luncheon/
Student Poster Competition Presentation/ Witczak Endowment Presentation) 
Lunch Speaker: Reed Ryan, APA
avatar for Reed Ryan

Reed Ryan

Executive Director, Asphalt Pavement Alliance
Thursday November 21, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm MST
Arizona Ballroom 221

1:30pm MST

SESSION 5: Digital Data and Infrastructure
Thursday November 21, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm MST
Moderator: Parnian Ghasemi

Digital Project Delivery: Re-Imagining the Way We Do Business in a Digital World
Alexa Mitchell, HDR

Data Science for Pavements
Eshan Dave, University of New Hampshire

avatar for Parnian Ghasemi

Parnian Ghasemi

Materials Manager, City of Phoenix
Parnian earned her Ph.D. in Pavement Engineering from Iowa State University in 2019, concentrating on applying Machine Learning algorithms to predict Pavement Performance and enhance Pavement Design. She holds a Professional Engineer certification in the State of Arizona. Before joining... Read More →
Thursday November 21, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm MST
Ventana Ballroom 241

2:30pm MST

The History and Evolution of ADOT’s Pavement Performance Test Equipment
Thursday November 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm MST
Moderator: Larry Scofield

George Way, Jim Delton, Larry Scofield.
avatar for Larry Scofield

Larry Scofield

Director of Engineering, IGGA/ACPA
Larry is a graduate from Arizona State University where he received both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in civil engineering.  Larry retired from the Arizona Department of Transportation where he worked for 29 years.  While with ADOT, he worked in construction, materials... Read More →

George Way

Arizona Department of Transportation

Jim Delton

Arizona Department of Transportation
Thursday November 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm MST
Ventana Ballroom 241

3:30pm MST

END OF CONFERENCE - Grand Prize Drawing
Thursday November 21, 2024 3:30pm - 3:40pm MST
Thursday November 21, 2024 3:30pm - 3:40pm MST
Ventana Ballroom 241
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